Tuesday, 27 November 2012


This photo i took was taken down one of the in Digberth, the reason i took this photo was beacuse i think it is very interesting with the tones and shadows created by the contrast and exposure in the picture. Also there is depth in the photo which creates an element of perspective and that the photo is never ending making you want to keep looking at the photo.

This photo is very interesting and unique to look at as there are three gaint graffiti styled robots spray painted on the old worn out wall on the side of an abandoned factory. However, i think the contrast in this photo is very good making the image standout and become interesting as the graffiti on the wall is highlighted by the bright, bold and strong white highlights that are contrasting with the dull brick background.

I took this photo because i thought it looked interesting as the angle of the building enables you to see all of the building, also i think the gaffiti gives the building an egdy feel towards it and creates an urban atmosphere.

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