Saturday 2 February 2013

Art History


Yellow Week 2

Yellow week is where the me and the rest of my year in college get to work on different projects that can help raise our levels in different subjects and help build up our portfolio. This yellow week we were producing work inspired by the theme of food. The activities on offer are a large scale drawing, which encourages the students to work large-scale across walls and floors. A sculptural outcome, which encourages students to use wire to create a three-dimensional response. And a relief printing workshop, which requires of the students to first build and then print their own large-scale printing plate, which is made from paper and other found materials. In the work we were doing i also took part in the actives were i drew different fruit and veg such as, red pepper and passion fruit which i drew from observation. Also i made a wire sculptor inspired by the vegetable mushroom. Overall i really enjoy yellow week and thought it really help me learn different skills like printmaking.

yellow week - Hybrid